TANDEMBOX, the proven metal box system, provides a multitude of design possibilities. There are 3 various programme lines available: TANDEMBOX intivo, TANDEMBOX antaro and TANDEMBOX plus. All 3 lines have actually a wide array of programs, ranging from standard solutions to special applications.
All 3 programme outlines have the same TANDEMBOX runner. This produces a feather-light glide and improved orifice and closing ease.
TANDEMBOX case profile
TANDEMBOX plus BLUMOTION cabinet profile
The thoroughly tested TANDEMBOX pantry profile convinces users along with its feather-light glide. BLUMOTION helps to ensure that compartments and pull-outs close softly and efficiently.
3 programme lines
a high design for specific some ideas
TANDEMBOX intivo enables you to personalise the look of pull-outs. The great number of design options tends to make every home interior unique.
Straight-cut and harmonious
TANDEMBOX antaro stands for a definite and straight-cut design. All components tend to be colour coordinated to underline the minimalist design.
Above meets a person's eye
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