The following list reveals different door lockset features. Manufacturers could use various terminology, however these tend to be standard terms. Relate to certain make information prior to specifying kinds.
Locksets that require a vital to retract the latch or deadbolt on the inside are perhaps not suitable for egress usage.
Locksets Without a Deadbolt
Class room Lockset - The latchbolt is retracted by the grip on either side unless the outside hold is secured by the outdoors key.
Classroom safety Lockset - The latchbolt is retracted by the hold on either part unless the surface grip is secured by often the interior secret or even the outside secret. Running the interior grip always retracts the latchbolt.
Institutional (Asylum) Lockset - The latchbolt is retracted by a key on either side. The grips on both sides tend to be rigid.
Workplace Lockset - The latchbolt is retracted by the hold on either side unless the surface grip is closed because of the toggle or external secret. Running the interior hold doesn't unlock the surface grip.
Passage Lockset - The latchbolt is often retracted because of the hold on either part. Both grips are often free.
Privacy Lockset - The latchbolt is retracted because of the grip on either part unless the surface hold is locked by the inside thumb-turn, key, or secret. Operating the interior hold unlocks the outside grip. An urgent situation release device unlocks the exterior grip. Some manufacturers offer models that can unlock the surface grip whenever door is shut (for example. the door is only able to be locked from the inside if the door is fully closed - locking an open door then shutting the doorway unlocks the outside grip).
Public Restroom Lockset - The latchbolt is retracted because of the interior hold or an outside secret. The latchbolt is retracted because of the outside grip unless the grip is secured by a key from the inside. The latchbolt / external grip can not be closed by a key through the exterior.
Storeroom Lockset - The latchbolt is retracted by the inside grip or outside secret. The outside grip is optional, however when provided it is always rigid.
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Apartment Lockset - The deadbolt is involved or retracted by an outside secret or an inside thumb-turn. If the deadbolt is involved the surface grip is secured and will not retract the latchbolt. As soon as the deadbolt is engaged the inside hold at the same time retracts the deadbolt and the latchbolt. The latchbolt alone are secured by a toggle (engaging the deadbolt is not required to lock the surface hold).
Class safety Lockset - The deadbolt is engaged or retracted by secret on either side. If the deadbolt is involved the surface grip is locked and will not retract the latchbolt. Whenever deadbolt is engaged the within hold at the same time retracts the deadbolt and the latchbolt and departs the surface grip unlocked.
Dormitory Lockset -The deadbolt is engaged or retracted by an outside key or an inside thumb-turn. When the deadbolt is involved the outside hold is secured and won't retract the latchbolt. The latchbolt is retracted because of the hold on either side provided that the deadbolt is retracted. Whenever deadbolt is engaged the inside hold at the same time retracts both the deadbolt plus the latch.
Storeroom Lockset - The latchbolt is retracted because of the grip on either part. The deadbolt is engaged or retracted because of the outdoors key or perhaps the interior key / thumb-turn. The latch and deadbolt work by themselves.
Store Door Lockset - The latchbolt is retracted because of the grip on either side. The deadbolt is involved or retracted by the secret on either side. The latch and deadbolt operate separately.
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Deadlock - The deadbolt is engaged and retracted by another key. An optional inside key or thumb-turn will engage or retract deadbolt.
Class room Deadlock - The deadbolt is involved and retracted by some other secret. An internal thumb-turn will retract the deadbolt only (it does not engage the deadbolt). An optional inside secret will engage the deadbolt.